W004 → Untitled (CAM)

Untitled(CAM) presents a thoughtful interrogation of two distinct yet interrelated concepts: the notion of space as mediated by digital screens, and the complex dynamics of surveillance in an era of pervasive new media.

At one level, the work engages with the concept of space — but not merely physical space. It extends into the virtual spaces opened by screens, gateways to places on the internet that, while nonexistent in a tangible sense, are nonetheless real in their influence and presence. This exploration involves a rethinking of the screen itself, not just as a boundary or a window, but as an access point to these ethereal digital realms.

The second layer of Untitled(CAM) ventures into the increasingly blurred lines of surveillance and privacy. In an age where new media are omnipresent, surveillance has transcended its traditional connotations, seeping into the everyday and becoming an aesthetic experience in itself. This raises poignant questions about the nature of watching and being watched, and the ever-shifting boundaries of personal privacy.

Bridging these concepts, Untitled(CAM) unfolds its narrative through an ironic twist. The images, which form the core of this work, are culled from sources that are theoretically part of closed-circuit surveillance systems. Yet, these images find their way into the public domain, accessible online, challenging the very notion of surveillance and privacy. In doing so, the work creates a dialogue that is as much about the irony of access and visibility as it is about the concepts it seeks to explore. Through Untitled(CAM), viewers are invited to navigate this paradoxical landscape where surveillance becomes public, privacy becomes communal, and the spaces we inhabit are as virtual as they are real.

Videoloop, Color Video, Sound